Breast cytological puncture was the first type of anatomopathological analysis of breast samples. For many years, together with the analysis of secretions, it was the fundamental step in the diagnosis of breast lesions.

Over the last ten or fifteen years, this type of puncture has been replaced by biopsy procedures for the extraction of a histological sample -CNB and, subsequently,VAB.

The main reasons for this change are, above all, the high consistency that is obtained with histological biopsies and that FNAs have a considerable number of false negatives.

Currently, we usually perform FNA in lesions of a benign and probably benign nature, such as cysts and fibrocystic lesions.

The procedure is usually performed without anesthesia, using fine needle puncture guided by palpation or by ultrasound. Material is aspirated, and then spread on glass slides to be studied by the pathologist.